Text & Font

Text Tags  Font-Tag  Sourcecode of "My Page"  This is "My Page"

First of all: All Tags have got to have a START and a END. Like this:
<FONT SIZE="2"> Your text here </FONT>
<A HREF="document.html"> This text will link to the page document.html </A>

If you forget the ending, it will NOT work.
NOTE: You don't have to write tags in capital letters. But remember to enter filenames exactly as they show up on your server!

You can use multipple ATTRIBUTES with all HTML-tags. Here's some BIG, COLORED AND ITALIC text. Below you can see how to make it:
Big, Green, italic text...

<font size="6" color="yellow">Big, </font>
<font size="4" color="green">Green, </font>
<font size="3" color="blue"><i>italic text...</i></font>

Text Tags  Font-Tag  Sourcecode of "My Page"  This is "My Page"
Text Tags
The most common HTML text-tags is listed with a small description:

Remember to enter your selections to the tags within "quotes":

&nbsp;     "None-breaking Space".
NO </endings>.
Use this to get some extra space between words. Enter exactly as you see it here. If you want more space, you can use multiple nbsp's like this: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Do NOT use these: < >, but be sure to use the semicolon (;).

<BR>     "Brake".
The linebreak do NOT need an </ending>.
This is equal to "Ctrl+Enter" in a text-editor.

<HR>     "Separator".
Do NOT use an </ending>.
Use this to separate your text into different sections. Makes a horizontal line.

<P>     "Paragraph".
End with </P>
This will make a linebreak and give you one empthy line as well.

<DIV ALIGN="alignment">     Align the Selection Left/Right or Center.
"alignment" is to be replaced with: "LEFT", "RIGHT" or "CENTER"
End with </DIV>
All the text entered behind this, will be aligned left/right or centered. Left is the current alignment.

<CENTER>     "Center".
End with </CENTER>
Centering all the stuff between this tag and the end-tag.

<B>     "Bold".
End with </B>
Makes your text Bold, like this: "Bold".

<I>     "Italic".
..RIGHT,: End with </I>
Makes your text like this: "Italic". Can you guess how to end it?

<U>     "Underline".
End this format with </U>
Makes your text like this: "Underlined".

<TT>     "Fixed Width".
End with </TT>
Makes your text like this: "Fixed width".

<BLINK>     "Blink".
End with </BLINK>
Makes your text blinking like this: "Blinking".

<STRIKE>     "Strike Through".
End with </STRIKE>
Makes your text like this: "Strikethrough".

<H4>     "Header4".
End with </H4>

This is Header 4.

<H3>     "Header3".
End with </H3>

This is Header 3.

<H2>     "Header2".
End with </H2>

This is Header 2.

<H1>     "Header1".
End with </H1>

This is Header 1.

Text Tags  Font-Tag  Sourcecode of "My Page"  This is "My Page"
Font Tag
How to use the Font Tag

The FONT TAG sets the value of your font.
You can select what kind of FACE to use, what size or what color the text should have. Remember to enter your description (value) to the tags within "quotes":

End with </FONT>
ATTRIBUTE can be COLOR, SIZE or FACE followed by your "DESCRIPTION".
FACE meens "ARIAL", "HELVETICA" or other fontstyles.
(Remember to use a style that people usually have got on their systems).

<FONT COLOR="yellow"> Makes this text.

Text Tags  Font-Tag  Sourcecode of "My Page"  This is "My Page"
This is the same example-page as before using this new attributes.


<H2>This is a Header in size 2</H2>
Here I put all my text, links, images, and my other stuff.<BR>
I just made a <I>LineBreak.</I> Here comes another one:<BR>
<U>This is the section people will see when they visit your page.</U></P>

<P>Bla, bla, bla, bla, <B>bla!!!!</B><BR>
TEXT? <BLINK>..Yes:</BLINK> More <B>text!</B></P>

<P>Now what? There's still some comments left! </I> <BR>
Guess they will fit best below...<B>below...</B></P>

These lines was written by <FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#FF0000">Trond.</FONT> If you have comments or questions, feel free to mail them to: <I></I>

Text Tags  Font-Tag  Sourcecode of "My Page"  This is "My Page"
The result of this example will be like this:

This is a Header in size 2

Here I put all my text, links, images, and my other stuff.
I just made a LineBreak. Here comes another one:
This is the section people will see when they visit your page.

Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla!!!!
TEXT? ..Yes: More text!

Now what? There's still some comments left!
Guess they will fit best below...

These lines was written by Trond. If you have comments or questions, feel free to mail them to:

Last Updated:     © 1996 2005 {Trond}   